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Martin Beckman

Martin Beckman

Martin Beckman was introduced to bluegrass music by Louis Osteen, the older brother of his...

Bob Plott

Western North Carolina is a region where many folk traditions are strongly associated with particular...
Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor's deep knowledge of the flora of Western North Carolina comes from a lifetime...
Doyle Pace

Doyle Pace

"I've always been interested in stories," recalls Doyle Pace. "My uncles and father told stories....
Mike Cambell

Mike Campbell

Mike Campbell has long been fascinated with history and older ways of living. A knowledgeable...
Carol Rifkin

Carol Rifkin

Carol Rifkin has been deeply involved in the music of Western North Carolina for decades,...
Donald Davis

Donald Davis

Donald Davis's life has carried him far from his native mountains, but his storytelling draws...