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Pervasive Vine Ribbed Basket Weaving with Nancy Basket

June 30 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Using more prolific naturals, such as Wisteria, Virginia Creeper, English Ivy, Grape Vine and split Kudzu vines to weave a small ribbed basket. Nancy Basket takes her name from the work she does and a Cherokee grandmother long ago, Margaret Basket. She’s made vessels from natural materials for more than 40 years. Expect serious humor, exhorting you to excellence since she has thrived teaching public school as an artist in education since 1990.

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June 30
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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Rare Bird Farm
91 Duckett Top Tower Road
Hot Springs, NC 28743 United States
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We welcome submission of Western North Carolina events focused on our heritage themes of mountain music, crafts, foodways, outdoors and Cherokee culture. Please submit two weeks in advance.

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